It all started, a long time ago, when a young man set out to
find his fortune.
Captain C.L. Brown was 19 years old with a sixth-grade education, and his family were junk dealers in Baltimore, Maryland. He heard about an oil boom in Mexia, Texas; so he went there, and spent his lifetime in the oil field
learning skillsets and
working hard. One skill he learned was to lower nitroglycerine into the well-bore and blow it up, causing the wells to come in better and be more productive. Because of this skillset, he gained the nickname
“Torpedo Brown.” Naturally, he had no competition because of the risk involved. When he was in his 60s, the Pure Oil Company asked him if he would like to buy the Mexia field. He had saved money his whole life. So, with a handshake and a loan, Captain Brown purchased the field. He fracked all the wells (an improving technology back then) and they came in like new. He paid the bank off in a little over a year, and bought oil fields in East Texas as well. He took his family
from poverty to riches, but it took a
whole life-time of hard work and
risk. TRADEway teaches people all across America to become the
“Captain Brown” of their family," through stock trading!
Hard work, yes, and some
risk, but at least you don’t have to deal with torpedos!
Many years later E.G. Hall married Captain Brown's daughter, Virginia—his favorite child. Elvis and Virginia were the first in the family to have business degrees. He and Virginia added sophistication to the oil company. Elvis had the “problem” of a lot of cash laying around, and so he became a skilled trader in the U.S. stock and bond markets. The family business continued to grow and thrive, and he passed all these skillsets down to their daughter Joye.
Elvis and Virginia’s daughter, Joye, married Paul Parker, a WWII veteran who had flown more than twenty bombing raids over Germany. He had become a geologist after the war, and his team discovered the Permian Basin oil field in West Texas. It is now the largest producing field in the world. Because of Paul, our family purchased leases in West Texas, and Paul drilled the second oil well in the Permian Basin. Unfortunately, Paul passed away in his 30s.
Some time later, Joye married a Special Agent in the F.B.I. named Fred Mitchell (pictured here with young David). Fred was a remarkable man of many talents. He quickly learned the family skillsets passed down to him and Joye, from Elvis and Virginia. He used oil funds to start the Van Zoren Pipe Organ Company in Portland, Oregon with his son, David. They later sold the pipe organ company to the CBS Television Network. Fred and Joye taught all the skills they had learned from Captain Brown, and Elvis and Virginia Hall, to David and his wife, Charlotte.
Fred and Joye’s son, David, went to Baylor University and studied pre-med for two years before being asked by Fred to change his major to business. David had been managing the oil company office since High School, and knew more about stock trading than his professors when he entered Baylor Business school. David married the love of his life, his child-hood sweetheart, Charlotte Black, and then graduated in 1978 with two business degrees--a Bachelor of Science degree in Business, and an MBA.
Two weeks before his Master’s comps, while driving 40 miles East from Baylor to work in the oil office in Mexia, David’s life suddenly took a vastly new direction. He asked the Lord Jesus Christ to come into his life and, in his words, “be my boss rather than me being my boss.” He was an entrepreneur at heart and he believed strongly in the idea of the family business, and now he saw this as an avenue to serve the Lord.
David felt called into the ministry about five years later and studied theology under his beloved mentor, Dr. Irwin "Rocky" Freeman. David continued running the oil company, but also served as Associate Pastor under the founder of a new church (Park Meadows Church in Corsicana, Texas), and then under the next two Pastors as well. Later, he became the Senior Pastor of the church, and is still serves and leads in this position today, some forty years later. David never took a salary from the church because God blessed his business skills; in fact, he was able to give to the Lord’s work through the years because of his background in business.
When David and Charlotte’s five children were grown, they all realized the power of the skillsets passed down from Captain Brown, to Elvis and Virginia, to Fred and Joye, then to David, and now his children and grandchildren. They thought it would be great share the idea of the power of the family business and Stock Trading skill sets with brothers and sisters in Christ around the country. So, David and his five children, and their spouses (all ten together), developed the TRADEway system and began to teach it in every major market in the country.
David’s daily radio show, The Word on Investing (now a popular Podcast) reached hundreds of thousands of people, teaching business principles from the Bible. TRADEway grew into a mid-sized Registered Investment Advisory Firm along the way. By sharing how his family went from poverty to wealth through passing down skillsets and working together, David has helped thousands of families across America learn how to take control of their finances, inspiring them to pursue their own American Dream, chasing their biggest goals, by taking small steps.
Having a professional, knowledgeable, FUN event speaker and consultant is part of what you'll experience at a live TRADEway event! These folks break down the confusing world of finance so that our students can understand—they equip your family with the tools and skillsets you'll need to take the next step on your journey. Join them at a live event near you!
David Mitchell
Founder & Speaker
Blair Nightingale
Speaker & Consultant
Jared Russell
Speaker & Consultant
Dave Huber II
Speaker & Consultant
Dave Huber Sr.
Speaker & Consultant
Geoffrey Nance
Executive Director of AMPT & Investment Adviser Representative Director
Ben Russell
Speaker & Consultant
Ross Querry
Lead Investment Adviser Representative
David Verbruggen
Speaker & Consultant
David Turner
Investment Adviser Representative
Denny Foster
Investment Adviser Representative
If you’re looking for top-notch customer service and someone to support you through the learning curve, you’ve come to the right place! TRADEway’s Customer Support Specialists and Registered Investment Advisory Representatives are here to help every step of the way. You will have a friendly, knowledgeable person on the other line (or in an email), every time you reach out! Simply call 877-777-0703 or email during office hours, or leave a message with our answering service and we'll return it asap; we're here to serve!

Ben Mitchell
Team Manager
Geoffrey Nance
Executive Director of AMPT & Investment Adviser Representative Director
Jared Russell
Director of Watch Webinars
& Coach
Ben Russell
AMPT Sr. Analyst & Coach
Blair Nightingale
Speaker & Coach
Brandy Nance
Director of Virtual Events
Jenny Taylor
AMPT Investment Adviser & Coach
Shawn Glenn
Support Specialist
Tiffany Wilburn
Support Specialist
Andrew Wilburn
AMPT Client Engagement Manager
Cassandra Russell
AMPT Client Engagement Manager
Nathan Russell
AMPT Client Engagement Manager
Barbara Chen
AMPT Client Engagement Manager
Ross Querry
Lead Investment Adviser Representative
Noah Hernandez
Support Specialist
Pete Breidt
AMPT Investment Adviser & Market Corner Host
David Verbruggen
Director of Charts & Coach
Rachel McCants
AMPT Client Engagement Manager
They may not be front and center, but you can count on the fact that they are busily working to make sure that you are taken care of! These friendly professionals handle everything from Accounting, to S&H, Event Coordinating, and everything in between! It takes a lot of organization, expertise, and HEART to be able to support the vast number of products & services we offer our clients. These are the people that make sure it all happens seamlessly to give you the best experience possible.
Misty Feller
Administrative Assistant & Event Specialist
Maria Collins
Support Specialist & Special Projects Manager
Debbie Calvert
Executive Administrative Assistant & Events Director
Julia Mitchell
Marketing Design & Copywriting
Elise Laney
Marketing Director
Stefanie Walker
Digital Marketing Manager
Pamm Romines
Assistant Team Manager & Payment Account Advocate
Glenda Davis
Assistant to CCO & Admin. Assistant
Kristina Pierce
Contractor for Digital Marketing
Kyle Ballard
Contractor for Accounting
Diana Blood
Interim Chief Compliance Officer
Amber Locke
Copywriter & Director of Little Builders
If you read about David Mitchell’s story (see "The TRADEway Story" above), then you already know, David loves to involve family in everything he does. TRADEway is no exception! David’s wife (and high school sweetheart), Charlotte, is his greatest supporter, and also runs his Texas ranch.
They have 5 children together, many of which bring unique talent, perspective, and abilities to the leadership of TRADEway. Their daughter, Katie, is the Chief Operating Officer. Their two sons, Paul and Ben, each head up a department, Radio Production and Precious Metals, respectively. And their youngest son, Matt, is the Corporate Videographer and head of Video Production, filming and editing hundreds of educational videos.
But it doesn’t stop there! David’s daughter-in-law, Emily, is heavily involved with assisting AMPT clients and producing graphic design for our marketing department. David’s two sons-in-law are involved as well — Dave is the Chief Brand Officer and is also a Speaker; Colin is the Chief Technical Officer & Chief Financial Officer. TRADEway truly is a family based business — strong values, solid leadership, and a heart for making sure you have everything you need to reach your biggest goals.
David Mitchell
Founder, President,
& Chairman of the Board
Charlotte Mitchell
Vice President
Katie Huber
Chief Executive Officer
Dave Huber II
Chief Brand Officer
Colin Calvert
Chief Technology Officer & Chief Financial Officer
Ben Mitchell
Team Manager & Precious Metals Operations Manager
Paul Mitchell
YouTube and Podcast Production Manager & Personal Strategist
Matt Mitchell
Video Production Manager & Personal Strategist