How are the wealthiest people in the world currently building their wealth?
To answer this question, let’s start with a little history.
If we go back in history to 1982, oil was king. So most of the billionaires in the world in that day were in the oil business.
By the time you get to 2007, that had changed. Oil was no longer the king. Wall Street was.
More than a quarter of the fortunes were made through investing.
Every year since 2007 until now, investing has still been king. It’s the #1 way billionaires are making their money today.
(If this isn’t a great reason to start stock trading, I don’t know what is!)
How did the wealthiest people learn to trade this well?—well enough to make them one of the wealthiest people in the world?
It's not their education.
It's not their IQ.
It's not luck.
It's that they had a system.
Now you might ask, why do they make more money in investing than they do in the business that they started?
Well it's because once they begin to make money, they have to figure out what to do with the extra money laying around. So pretty much all of them learned how to trade in the markets.
That's what happened with my grandfather in the oil business and that's why I learned so much about stock and bond trading from him.
So we know the wealthiest people in the world, the Forbes 400 billionaires, make most of their money through investing.
You can have access to that same potential.
We here at TRADEway can teach you a system and the skill sets. We want to be your coach. We want to be your cheerleader. We want to be your mentors.
And we’ll be with you all along the way.
P.S. In my opinion, if you want to learn how to have the maximum amount of leverage with your money,
I think the skill sets that are taught in TraderPRO
are the way to go,
so check that out.