Statistics have shown that an estimated 70 percent of lottery winners end up going bankrupt within the first 3 - 5 years. Many people think they would not encounter the same issues if they were to become wealthy. At TRADEway, we don’t support the idea of gambling, but we do support our students in learning how to build wealth. Often times our students want to know how they can prepare themselves and their families for becoming wealthy. There are four main principles that are important to learn before building wealth:
Wealth is a privilege, not a right
Wealth is not something that everyone has a right to. People have the right to pursue it. They have the right to go out and try to gain wealth, but they don't just receive wealth as a right for existing. Because wealth is something people must earn, we should be thankful when we receive that blessing. Deuteronomy tells us that we shall remember our Lord, because it is He that gives us the ability to create wealth. Therefore, anytime we're creating wealth, we should be thinking of Christ.
Wealth has the power to magnify.
If you are a generous person, you have the ability to be more generous when you have wealth, therefore it will amplify the things that are in your heart. Likewise, if you are a greedy person, your greed will be magnified when you have more with which to be greedy. It is important to understand that money doesn't “corrupt” people, it compounds what is already in their hearts. That is why it is important to keep your mind and heart focused on the things of God.
Wealth is fleeting.
Wealth is not always permanent. We see this in the stories of many people in the Bible: Joseph, who had to store up for seven years in order to be prepared for seven years of famine; Job, whose wealth was taken from him, but the Lord brought it back. It comes in seasons; there is an ebb and flow to wealth. We should strive to use our money wisely while we are able.
There is a purpose for wealth.
Money is meant to be used as a means to provide for our family. The Bible tells us that if we have not provided for our family, we have denied the faith and we are worse than an infidel. God takes that very seriously. The Bible also says we are supposed to be risk-takers with our money. That means we should use our money to make more money. As we create a profit, we should then use our money to be joyful givers. We should give it to those who are less fortunate. Another way many people do not realize that money should be used is for fun. Those who are wealthy and using money the way God intended should also enjoy the blessings they have been given.
When you build wealth the proper way and manage it according to Biblical principles, you have the ability to make a lasting impact on your own life and the lives of others.
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