Two questions many Christians have regarding building wealth in the stock market is, “How is building wealth in the stock market Biblical?” and “Why should we strive to build wealth through stock trading?” When they think of the stock market, greed and deception come to mind. We know, as Christians, we are told not to be conformed to this world, but the Bible also gives us examples of how to leverage the world to create wealth, and scripture lets us know why it’s important for Christians to build wealth. The God of the universe gave us a formula for how wealth is created and informs us on how to handle that wealth.
The How:
The concept is throughout the Bible, but one example is “The Parable of the Talents”. In this passage we learn about financial leverage in earning off the efforts of many other people, and that's how wealth is created. TRADEway applies this biblical concept as we teach you how to leverage the people on Wall Street,some of the smartest minds in the world about money. You can leverage their mind. You can leverage their money. You can leverage their time. We teach you how to leverage the world to build potential wealth for your family.
The Why:
Matthew 5:14 states, “You, God's children, are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid.” We are supposed to be people of influence. Without wealth, we have very little influence in the world. If we are born again and in the Word of God, we are gaining wisdom, yet the world will not listen to us. In fact, it will despise us and our words won't be heard. If we want to have influence in this world, we must create wealth, because the world values wealth.
If the enemy can place in our minds that we should be materially poor, what are we going to do as Christians? Scripture has been very clear. In order for us to be able to have influence, we must build wealth. We can leverage the world to create wealth that will, in turn, positively influence the world.