Welcome to MasterTrader!

On this page, you’ll find a complete Orientation Series built just for your program! There are LOTS of great things to dig into, but we greatly encourage you to follow along with our recommended approach (through this Orientation Series) as much as possible as you move through your program!

View your Unit Checklists & corresponding orientation videos below and begin your journey!  If you have any questions please contact us at support@tradeway.com. Happy Trading!

MasterTrader Orientation Series - UNIT 1

UNIT 1 Checklist

MasterTrader Orientation Series - UNIT 2

UNIT 2 Checklist

MasterTrader Orientation Series - UNIT 3

MasterTrader Orientation Series - UNIT 4

MasterTrader Orientation Series - UNIT 5

MasterTrader Orientation Series - UNIT 6

MasterTrader Orientation Series Complete!

Congrats on completing your MasterTrader Orientation Series! Now don’t forget — just because you now have exposure to a wide range of strategies, programs, and support services, that doesn’t mean you have to do them ALL!

What we recommend doing at this point is two-fold: 1. Consider going through and reviewing your MasterTrader material again (specifically, any courses or strategies that you feel you didn’t quite understand the first time through); 2. Think about which specific strategy (or two) you felt best fit your personality/style of trading, and HONE IN on that until you feel that you’ve mastered it!

We want to equip you with as many “tools in the tool belt” as possible, but the best place to start is with what you’re the most comfortable with — that could be pure stock trading, doing some directional option plays, or maybe even spreads! Regardless of what direction you take, our team and our Coaches are here for you! Happy Trading!

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