In The Parable of the Vineyard Laborers, the landowner goes out and hires some people early in the morning. He tells them he’ll give them a day’s wage.
They agree to that and shake hands.
Then later in the day he hires some more people. And still later, when there was only about an hour of daylight left, he hired another group of people to work in the vineyard.
At the end of the day he paid them all the same wage.
The workers who had been working since the early morning got angry about this. They said, “These last have wrought but one hour, and thou hast made them equal unto us, which have borne the burden and heat of the day.” (Matthew 20:12, KJV)
What does this parable have to teach us about finances, investing and how we should conduct ourselves? We’re going to unpack all that and more in today’s episode.
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