I’ve heard it so many times.
When it comes to physical gold–I’m talking coins, bars, rounds, and so on–many economists out there disparage it as nothing more than a relic.
But are they right? Is gold truly nothing more than a relic?
In this episode of The Word on Investing,
I address
two things head on: 1. The idea that gold is actually a preferable currency for the majority of people, but why many people MIGHT NOT even realize it. And 2. Why gold ACTUALLY carries an enormous amount of power in the 21st Century, and why it’s NOT some ancient relic!
Gold acts as a
protector against
loose monetary policies, something we’re all too familiar with at this point.
In fact, not only is gold a protector, but it was put here
by the Lord Himself as the
purest form of money, ever–which should tell us something about gold’s potentially pivotal importance in each of our lives.
I want to help you understand the power of gold, and simplify precious metals as much as possible for you and your family.
In this episode I’ll cover
Listen to the episode “The Power of Gold in the 21st Century with Ben Mitchell” now!
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