A lot of big syndicate voices out there today
talk about debt like it’s the worst thing in the world.
As if being in debt is something you should never do.
And a lot of those people are REALLY GOOD PEOPLE
(after all, the majority of the country NEEDS this type of teaching to protect themselves and their family from getting into the wrong kind of debt which can be devastating).
But I don’t agree with their opinions about debt, especially for the segment of the world that DOES want to become educated and learn what the Bible truly says about this topic.
So who’s right?
Them or me?
Let me just review some of the things the Bible says about debt, because it can be surprising.
In II Kings 4:3, the Bible says,
“Then he said, Go, borrow thee vessels abroad of all thy neighbours, even empty vessels; borrow not a few.”
Now this is the prophet of God speaking, which is a picture of God speaking.
And he told them to borrow.
Now the world
says don’t borrow.
But the Lord says, in this case, with this woman whose husband had died and left her in debt, (and they were gonna take her children as slaves to pay back the debt—she was in trouble!);
and the man of God told her to go and borrow.
So she borrowed vessels to put oil in.
And the Lord miraculously took what this woman had in her house (she had a little oil) and He multiplied it.
And she was able to take the new money from selling the oil and pay the debt off. And even had extra to live on. She created wealth doing what the Lord said to do.
But it all started with borrowing something.
Now that lesson is kinda cool. Because God said Look in your house and see what you already have.
Think about what that could include for you and your household. Take a moment to stop and think about everything you already have.
It could be some assets that you have that you could sell. Now you have some money to MAKE money with.
Or it could even be skillsets you have in your mind.
It could be things in your brain that you learned in the past. Skills and knowledge that you could use in ways you may never have considered before.
Look around!
What do you see? It may be something right under your nose...
You know
I have more to say about this!
I’m just getting warmed up, really… 😎
In this week’s episode, “When & How to Use Debt WELL (and When NOT to Use it)”, I cover...
- What you should keep in mind before you get into debt
- What the Bible says you SHOULD use debt for
- What the Bible says you should NOT use debt for
- A simple rule of thumb to help you tell good debt from bad debt
- What God’s purpose for debt is
- How assets, income and debt can BEST work together to generate wealth
Listen to the episode now!