You Are About To Discover The Solution To The Single Biggest Mistake That Investors Make…

HINT: It’s Not That They Don’t Have Money

TRADEway Presents

The Unlock the Stock Market Challenge

Discover the secrets to potentially

becoming a successful stock trader...

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TRADEway Presents

The Unlock the Stock Market Challenge

Discover the secrets to potentially becoming a successful stock trader...

Join The Challenge

Enrollment is currently open.

Take The Challenge

The Established


Will you challenge what you believe is possible for you and your family? Step up to the challenge today. 

Upcoming Date: 3/31 - 4/4



1-2 hrs per day for 5 days.

Get immersed in the process.

Final Result

Unlock The Stock


Level up by embracing the trading mindset and learn to get paid for the trading you do in your life!

This Class Is For

Young & Old, Single &


Beginner traders (and those who may be stuck in their trading), this class will level you up.


Condense Your Time Frame

You Don’t Need To Learn How To Trade…

You Need To Learn How To Trade For Profit…


Learn To Become the Person Who Can Unlock the Stock Market!

During this 5-day challenge, you will learn the four concepts which TRADEway believes you MUST master to become a successful stock trader.


Access the Unlock the Stock Market Community Group. You will be surrounded by other Christians who are excited to learn about investing in the stock market.


Learn the Secrets to knowing what stocks to trade and avoid getting into the ones that go belly-up bankrupt! Find out what you can do to identify lower dollar stocks that are likely to grow!


It’s not enough to know what to trade, you have to know WHEN to trade. Find out how to determine the best trade points by mastering the stock pivots!


Trading is a system of probabilities and knowing what to trade and when to trade is only half the battle. Because everything can seem to line up until you realize that the whole market is crashing. Learn to sync your trades with the overall market and master the probabilities for increased profit potential!


The master key to success in trading is mastering personalities. There is a personality of the stock that you trade, there is a personality of the market you are trading in, and there is a personality of the trader that is pushing the buttons, (that’s you) and unless you learn how to master the personalities, you will never experience meaningful success in the stock market.


Grab your ticket and join the challenge today.

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Learn to become someone who can experience success in the stock market. Trading is not another business for you to start, it is not another job for you to hold, it's what your money does while you do what God called you to do. The TRADEway education system has helped thousands of TRADEway students start investing in the stock market.

Day 1: Mastering Pivots

On the first day, you will learn how to understand WHEN to trade.

Mastering the Pivots -  Determine the best trade points.

  • Stop buying at the wrong price
  • Simplify entry and exit points
  • Recognize predictable and repeatable opportunities

Day 2: Mastering Picks

On the second day, you will now understand why popularity doesn’t equal profits.

Mastering the Picks - Why popular and expensive aren’t signs to buy.

  • Identify profitable stocks
  • Examine how to leverage affordable stocks
  • How to avoid a massive expense most traders experience

Day 3: Mastering Probabilities

On the third day, you will now learn how get the odds on your side.

Master the Probabilities - What to look for and how to use it.

  • Stop fighting the market
  • The secret to trading in flow
  • Unlock your earning potential

Day 4: Mastering the Personalities

On the fourth day, you will learn the master key to trading.

Master the Personalities - there are three personalities to master.

  • Personality of the stock
  • Personality of the market
  • Personality of the trader

Day 5: Mastering the Paychecks

On the fifth day, you will know what to do to put your money to work.

Master the Paychecks - Get your money out of the unemployment line.

  • Time Compression
  • Powerful leveraging strategies
  • Life-changing Biblical principles

Learn From The Best

TRADEway Coaches


During this challenge you will learn trading secrets that Blair and Dave have experienced themselves. Whether you are a new trader or someone who has tried to trade in the past, you are going to gain knowledge about trading strategies you didn’t know existed.

 A New Kind Of Trading Challenge

This is a comprehensive, yet easy-to-understand, 5-day Challenge designed to help you master the four essential things you need to know when trading in the stock market.

Are You Up For A Challenge?

Remember, sometimes taking a bold risk can be the key to achieving your breakthrough. (But trading means managing risks, so don't forget you get a 10x better than money back guarantee on the cost of this Challenge, AND it's only $97).

The experiences that we have that stretch us and make us grow deeper roots are the things that support us later in life and establish a firm foundation.

You Can Join The Challenge

There Are Two Ways. Here’s How:

  • Via Daily Live Challenge Zoom Sessions
  • Recordings Available For 24-Hours After Live Sessions

The Next Challenge Starts:

March 31 - April 4

10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. CT

VIP Q&A Hour (Open to all Challenge Students to Attend)

11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. CT

Training Hour

General Admission



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10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. CT

VIP Q&A Hour (Full Participation Access)

11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. CT

Training Hour

VIP Experience



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General Admission

Here's What You Get...

  • 1 Hour Daily Live Training (for 5 Days) With Blair Nightingale and Dave Huber

  • Replay access for 24-hours

  • Access To Unlock the Stock Market Community Group

  • Action-focused homework

  • View Only Access to VIP Bonus Session

VIP Experience

Here's What You Get...

  • 5 Days Of Live training With Blair Nightingale and Dave Huber

  • Replay access for 24-hours

  • Access To Unlock the Stock Market Community Group

  • Action-focused homework

  • Daily ​VIP Q&A Session -  As Blair and Dave Answer Questions To VIP Ticket Holders (this is an additional hour of training each day) -- Full Participation Access to VIP Bonus Session

  • Blair and Dave’s pattern examples

  • The Echo Principle - 24/7 On-Demand Access -- Learn life-altering business principles found in scripture.

  • Manage Your Financial Advisor - 24/7 On-Demand Access -- Find out the REAL purpose of a financial advisor and what you can do to make the most of him/her.

  • Financial Fables - 24/7 On-Demand Access -- Learn how common misconceptions about money and finance can stifle growth investing.

Challenge Attendee Testimonials

The above unsolicited, uncompensated testimonial is from a client who has purchased TRADEway financial educational designed to teach a student methods and strategies for becoming an active trader in the stock market. The timing and selection of any security traded by the Client is unknown to TRADEway at the time of trade. This testimonial described a specific client’s use of a TRADEway strategy and involves factors specific to that client’s trading activity which may not be able to be replicated or verified. TRADEway did not exercise investment discretion or effect any trades related to this testimonial. Another client’s application of the strategy in a similar type of trade may result in a loss of principal. Testimonials, by their very nature, tend to be positive and TRADEway may not be able to verify certain claims. At the time a particular testimonial is made, TRADEway does not believe that any material conflicts of interest exist or are created by using said Testimonial in TRADEway advertising. Past performance is not indicative of future results and one client’s experience is no guarantee of a similar experience for any other client or potential client.

10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. CT





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10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. CT





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General Admission

Here's What You Get...

  • 5 Days Of Live training With Blair Nightingale and Dave Huber

  • Replay access for 24-hours

  • Access To Unlock the Stock Market Community Group

  • Action-focused homework

VIP Experience

Here's What You Get...

  • 5 Days Of Live training With Blair Nightingale and Dave Huber

  • Replay access for 24-hours

  • Access To Unlock the Stock Market Community Group

  • Action-focused homework

  • Daily ​VIP Q&A Session -  As Blair and Dave Answer Questions To VIP Ticket Holders (this is an additional hour of training each day)

  • Blair and Dave’s pattern examples

Challenge Attendee Testimonials

The above unsolicited, uncompensated testimonial is from a client who has purchased TRADEway financial educational designed to teach a student methods and strategies for becoming an active trader in the stock market. The timing and selection of any security traded by the Client is unknown to TRADEway at the time of trade. This testimonial described a specific client’s use of a TRADEway strategy and involves factors specific to that client’s trading activity which may not be able to be replicated or verified. TRADEway did not exercise investment discretion or effect any trades related to this testimonial. Another client’s application of the strategy in a similar type of trade may result in a loss of principal. Testimonials, by their very nature, tend to be positive and TRADEway may not be able to verify certain claims. At the time a particular testimonial is made, TRADEway does not believe that any material conflicts of interest exist or are created by using said Testimonial in TRADEway advertising. Past performance is not indicative of future results and one client’s experience is no guarantee of a similar experience for any other client or potential client.


Frequently Asked Questions

If your questions aren't listed below, feel free to email us at

Q:  Who is this class for?

This challenge is designed for people who are interested in starting to trade in the stock market or those who have dabbled in trading with little to no success. If you’re looking to make your money work harder for you, then this challenge is for you. 

Q: Who is this class not for?

This program is not intended for TRADEway clients who have gone beyond "Step 1: Start Your Journey."

Q: How much is the training?

There are 2 ways to participate in The Unlock the Stock Market Challenge. The General Admission is only $97 and the VIP Experience is only $197 for a VIP ticket, which includes an extra hour daily with Blair and Dave as they answer Q&As from the VIP Ticket holders.

Q: How is this different from your courses or free content on trading?

This challenge is specifically designed to give new traders (or those who are stuck) a short-cut to knowing the four things they must master for success in the stock market. 

Q: Are the challenge classes live?

Yes, classes will be live. Although the classes will be live and recorded you won't be able to purchase the recordings so you will need to watch the challenge live or watch the recordings for the limited time (24 hours) that they will be available.

Q: How does the 5 day challenge work?

Each day the General Admin challenge training will run from 11am-12pm CT, with an additional VIP hour with questions from VIP ticket holders from 10am-11am CT each day (General Admin is welcome to view the session, but will not be able to participate in the Q&A itself). In the evening you are encouraged to complete the homework tasks within the window provided.

Q: Will I get direct feedback from Blair and Dave?

Only if you purchase an upgrade of a VIP ticket. If you have the VIP Experience you will have an additional hour every day with Q&A sessions. If you have General Admission you will only be able to view the VIP sessions, but not participate.

Q: What is a VIP ticket?

A VIP ticket is an upgraded ticket that allows you to ask your questions during the VIP session. These tickets are limited in quantity for the challenge and are first come, first serve. 

Q: If I have never tried stock trading is this a challenge for me?

YES! Because this challenge is working on the 4 principles you should master BEFORE starting to stock trade, this challenge is perfect for those who are curious about starting a stock trading journey. 

Q: How does the 10x better than money back guarantee work?

If you attend all of your training sessions, if you keep your camera ON for all training sessions, if you complete your daily homework tasks you will be receiving a course worth over $1,000 just for your involvement in this Challenge. If you are unsatisfied with the Challenge experience, you may email and we will also return your purchase amount, plus we will still send you the bonus course.

Become a knowledgeable stock trader and begin your journey today… 

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